데이터 관리
Salesforce에서 데이터를 가져오고 내보내는 방법을 알아보세요.
Data Management
Learn how to import and export data in Salesforce.
1. Import data
Supported data sources include any program that can save data in the comma delimited text format (.csv).
- CSV : 몇 가지 필드를 쉼표(,)로 구분한 텍스트 데이터 및 텍스트 파일 .
Data Import Wizard
- lets you import data in common standard objects, such as contacts, leads, accounts, as well as data in custom objects.
- You need to load less than 50,000 records.
- The objects you need to import are supported by the wizard.
- You don’t need the import process to be automated.
→최대 5만개 레코드
Data Loader
- client application that can import up to five million records at a time, of any data type, either from files or a database
- You need to load into an object that is not supported by the Data Import Wizard.
- You want to schedule regular data loads, such as nightly imports.
→ 5~ 500만 개 레코드 가져올 수 있음
Data Loader uses the SOAP API to process records.
→ Bulk API 는 대량 API 처리에 최적화. 병렬처리와 적은 네트워크 왕복으로 인해 SOAP API보다 빠르다.
- Bulk API : The Bulk API is optimized to load a large number of records simultaneously. It is faster than the SOAP API due to parallel processing and fewer network round-trips.
- New Values for Picklists and Multi-Select Picklists—If you import a picklist value that doesn’t match an existing picklist value:
- For an unrestricted picklist, the Data Import Wizard uses the value that’s in the import file. → 무제한 선택은 가져오기 파일에 있는 값이 사용된다.
- For a restricted picklist, the Data Import Wizard uses the picklist’s default value. → 제한된 선택 목록의 경우 선택목록의 기본값이 사용
- Multi-Select Picklists(다중 선택 선택 목록)—To import multiple values into a multi-select picklist, separate the values by a semicolon in your import file.
- Checkboxes(확인란) —To import data into a checkbox field, use 1 for checked values and 0 for unchecked values.
- Default Values(기본값)—For picklist, multi-select picklist, and checkbox fields, if you do not map the field in the import wizard, the default value for the field, if any, is automatically inserted into the new or updated record.
- Date/Time Fields—Ensure that the format of any date/time fields you are importing matches how they display in Salesforce per your locale setting.
- Formula Fields—Formula fields cannot accept imported data because they are read-only. → 수식필드는 읽기전용이다.
- Field Validation Rules—Salesforce runs validation rules on records before they are imported. Records that fail validation aren’t imported. Consider deactivating the appropriate validation rules before running an import if they affect the records you are importing.
내 과제
Import data using the Data Import Wizard.
Download a CSV file that contains contact data, and import it using the Data Import Wizard.
- Download this CSV file by right-clicking and selecting "Save Link As". Make sure you save it as a CSV (.csv) file, and not a text (.txt) file. You don't need to use Excel.
- Map all fields:
- FNAME to Contact: First Name
- LNAME to Contact: Last Name
- CELL to Contact: MobileUse the Data Import Wizard to import the file:
- Kind of data: Accounts and Contacts
- Type of import: Add new records
- Match Contact by: Name
- Where is your data located?: CSV
- File: Choose File
- Character Code: ISO-8859-1 (the default)
- Values Separated by: Comma
- Map all fields:
- FNAME to Contact: First Name
- LNAME to Contact: Last Name
- CELL to Contact: Mobile
- Where is your data located?: CSV
- File: Choose File
- Character Code: ISO-8859-1 (the default)
- Values Separated by: Comma
- Map all fields:
Launch Wizard누르고
- Where is your data located?: CSV
- File: Choose File
- Character Code: ISO-8859-1 (the default)
- Values Separated by: Comma
- Map all fields:
- FNAME to Contact: First Name
- LNAME to Contact: Last Name
- CELL to Contact: Mobile
2. Export Data
- Data Export Service—It allows you to export data manually once every 7 days (for weekly export) or 29 days (for monthly export). You can also export data automatically at weekly or monthly intervals.
→ 매주는 7일, 매 달은 29. 자동으로 내보내기도 가능하다.
Weekly exports are available in Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions.
→ 주마다 내보내기는 Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited Editions.
In Professional Edition and Developer Edition, you can generate backup files only every 29 days, or automatically at monthly intervals only.
→ 달마다 내보내기는 Professional Edition and Developer Edition,
- Data Loader—a client application that you must install separately.(별도 설치 필요) It can be operated either through the user interface or the command line. The latter option is useful if you want to automate the export process, or use APIs to integrate with another system. → 프로세스를 자동화하거나 API를 사용하여 다른 시스템과 통합할 때 유용함
Using the Data Export Service
- The Data Export service:
A. Can be operated through a command line. (명령으로 작동)
B. Must be installed separately. (별도 설치)
C. Must be installed by an actual wizard. (실제 마법사 설치 필요)
D. Is accessible through the Setup menu. (설정메뉴로 접근)
→ D
A,B,C는 Data Loader설명
- To export data manually using the Data Export service:
A. From Setup, open Data Export and then select Export Now.( 설정 → Data Export→ Export Now)
B. Install the Data Loader client application.(Data Loader설치)
C. Grow a long beard and find a magical staff.(엥?)
D. Open the Data Loader bin file in a command prompt and run the Extract All command. ( command prompt → Extract All)
- Data Export’s Schedule Export option can be scheduled at the following intervals:
A. Daily
B. Every other day
C. On Thursdays and twice on Tuesdays
D. Yearly
E. Weekly or monthly
→ E