Salesforce/Admin 24

Extend Your Reporting Strategy with AppExchange Lightning Experience용 보고서 및 대시보드 Lightning Experience를 사용하여 실시간으로 주요 비즈니스 메트릭을 시각화하세요. 내 과제 Install, copy, and customize a dashboard Maria Jimenez is looking for reports and dashboards to track he..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

Visualize Your Data with the Lightning Dashboard Builder

Visualize Your Data with the Lightning Dashboard Builder Lightning Experience용 보고서 및 대시보드 Lightning Experience를 사용하여 실시간으로 주요 비즈니스 메트릭을 시각화하세요. Create an opportunities report and add it to a ..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

[Admin Beginner] Reports & Dashboards for Lightning Experience - Format Reports

Format Reports Lightning Experience용 보고서 및 대시보드 Lightning Experience를 사용하여 실시간으로 주요 비즈니스 메트릭을 시각화하세요. Use Report Formats There are three report formats available: Tabular, Summary, and Matrix. ..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

[Admin Beginner] Reports & Dashboards for Lightning Experience - Create Reports with the Report Builder

Create Reports with the Report Builder 보고서 빌더로 보고서 작성 내과제 Create a report to show leads To try out the steps in this module, you need to create a new Trailhead Playground. Click Launch to get started, or click the name of your org to choose a different one. Note: Yes, we really mean a brand-new Trailhead playground! If you use an existing org or playground, you can run into problems completing t..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

[Admin Beginner] Reports & Dashboards for Lightning Experience - Introduction to Reports and Dashboards in Lightning Experience

Introduction to Reports and Dashboards in Lightning Experience Lightning Experience용 보고서 및 대시보드 Lightning Experience를 사용하여 실시간으로 주요 비즈니스 메트릭을 시각화하세요. 1A dashboard is: A.A list of records that meet th..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

[Admin Beginner] User Engagement - Design a User Engagement Journey

Design a User Engagement Journey User Engagement 사용자가 Salesforce 앱을 최대한 활용할 수 있도록 앱 내 지침을 만듭니다. 1What's the aha moment? A.The moment that you remember the name of that movie starring that actor from that TV show B.The moment that a use..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

[Admin Beginner] User Engagement- Enable Users to Learn in the Flow of Work

Enable Users to Learn in the Flow of Work User Engagement 사용자가 Salesforce 앱을 최대한 활용할 수 있도록 앱 내 지침을 만듭니다. Quiz +100 points 1Why would you add learning resources inside the Salesforce app? A.To add contextual help for each page in the app B.To co..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

[Admin Beginner] User Engagement-Promote Feature Adoption and Discovery

Promote Feature Adoption and Discovery 기능의 채택 및 발견 촉진하기 Quiz +100 points 1Why would you add prompts? A.A new feature is enabled. B.Users aren't taking advantage of a valuable feature. C.Users frequently leave tasks incomplete. D.A and B E.B and C 2What are the benefits of a docked prompt? A.It stays put while the user navigates around. B.It has a Dismiss button. C.It can display embedded gif ima..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

[Admin Beginner] User Engagement- Get Started with User Engagement User Engagement 사용자가 Salesforce 앱을 최대한 활용할 수 있도록 앱 내 지침을 만듭니다. Get Started with User Engagement Engagement Scenarios?? User engagement is the process of onboarding, empowering, assisting, and educating users through in-app guidance. Us..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01

[Admin Beginner] Salesforce Mobile App Customization -

Customize Compact Layouts - 축소 레이아웃 사용자 정의 Action publisher layouts…compact layouts. 모든항목은 레이아웃이 필수이다 왜냐? That’s part of what makes Salesforce such a flexible CRM platform. You can customize the appearance of so muc..

Salesforce/Admin 2023.01.01