Customize Record Details with Page Layouts
페이지 레이아웃으로 레코드 세부 사항 사용자 정의
You can customize and personalize many things on a given object record page using page layouts.
There are two ways to customize a page in Lightning Experience.
1. You can customize a page’s layout
2. or customize its contents. These are done with separate tools.
Lightning pages are a collection of Lightning components arranged in regions on the page.
You can customize the structure of the page and the position of its components with the Lightning App Builder
왜 page layout editor를 사용하나요?
Because the Lightning App Builder can't customize buttons, actions, and fields on pages...yet.
The page layout editor lets you:
- Control which fields, lists of related records, and custom links users see (사용자 정의 링크 제어)
- Customize the order that the fields appear in the page details (필드가 표시되는 순서)
- Determine whether fields are visible, read only, or required (필드가 표시되는지 읽기전용인지 필수인지 등등)
- Control which standard and custom buttons appear on records and related lists (레코드 표시 사용자 정의버튼제어)
- Control which quick actions appear on the page (페이지 표시되는 빠른 작업 제어)
: buttons, lists, record details?
The Related tab (1) contains related lists, which are lists of other records that are associated with the record you’re viewing.
For example, an account can have related products, contacts, opportunities, and other custom records.
즉 Related lists make it easy to find and manage related information.
레코드와 연결된 다른 레코드 목록인 관련목록이 나타남. 관련정보를 쉽게 찾을 수 있다.
The Details tab (2) shows information about a record.
For example, a contact record detail page shows the name, address, owner, account, and other fields that are used to store information about the contact and other related records. To change the content of the fields on a related or detail page, you can click Edit (3).
레코드에 대한 정보를 보여줌.
- ―The field must have a value to save the record, but isn’t required on the page layout itself.
- ―The field must be included on the page layout because an administrator configured the field as universally required or Salesforce automatically requires the field. Although you can’t remove such fields, you can move them to different locations. 필수포함! 제거 불가, 다른 위치로 이동은 가
- ―The field is a controlling field. (제어필드)
- ―The field is a dependent field. (종속필드)
- ―The field is read-only. (읽기전용)
+100 points
Lightning 레코드 페이지를 볼 때 페이지 레이아웃의 필드와 섹션은 어디에 표시되나요?