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Create Global Quick Actions 빠른 전역 작업 만들기
To call the quick action a mere shortcut doesn’t really do it justice. Here’s why quick actions are so special.
- You can create custom actions tailored to your own business processes and use cases.
- Each action has its own unique page layout, so you can limit the fields to just the ones mobile users truly need.
- You can prepopulate fields on the page layout to save mobile users some time. (필드 미리 채우기 가능)
See? Quick actions are more than meets the eye. They’re actually three powerful features—a shortcut plus a page layout plus predefined fields—rolled into one small, mighty package.
create a global quick action for adding a new opportunity
Your realty company uses opportunities to track offers. When a buyer submits an offer on a property, the broker adds a new opportunity and sets the Stage field to Qualification.
- Create a global action of type: Create a Record
- Target object: Opportunity
- Label: New Offer
- Name: New_Offer
- Put only these 4 fields on the page layout for the new action: Opportunity Name, Close Date, Stage, and Amount
- Set the predefined value of the Stage field to Qualification
1. 셋업 Global Actions 클릭
- Create a global action of type: Create a Record
- Target object: Opportunity
- Label: New Offer
- Name: New_Offer
2. 요구에 맞게 빼주기
- Put only these 4 fields on the page layout for the new action: Opportunity Name, Close Date, Stage, and Amount
- Set the predefined value of the Stage field to Qualification