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Create Object-Specific Quick Actions 개체별 빠른 작업 만들기
Object-Specific Actions in the Salesforce Mobile App
To kick off our discussion of object-specific actions, let’s talk about what makes them different than global actions.
- Object-specific actions can update records.
- Object-specific actions can create records that are automatically associated with related information.
Simplify your brokers’ account layout
Your brokers also need a customized page layout for their accounts. To do this, click on Mobile and Lightning Actions for the Account Layout page layout, override the predefined actions, and then customize them.
- In the object manager for Accounts, edit the Account Layout page layout so that New Contact is the first item for Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions
1. Object Manager -> Account -> Page Layouts
- In the object manager for Accounts, edit the Account Layout page layout so that New Contact is the first item for Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions->Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions의 New Contact가 맨앞으로오게해달라